Wildwood Coaching Limited

Wildwood Coaching offers Outplacement Support to values led businesses who are making redundancies and want to do the right thing by their outgoing employees offering them access to our team of qualified and experienced professionals to help build their future after redundancy.
Using a team of associates, we work with businesses across the UK supporting small and large scale redundancy programmes offering the following services:
• Career coaching
• Executive coaching
• Interview skills coaching
• Personality profiles
• CV writing
• LinkedIn profile writing
• Job search support
• Outplacement workshops – face to face and online
We have standard packages of support to suit a range of budgets and can provide a bespoke solution to suit client needs.
I chose to specialise in Outplacement Support having had personal experience of redundancy and managing several restructuring programmes during my 20 year career in corporate HR. I wanted to make Outplacement Support more accessible and not just reserved for senior leavers.
I bring my personal and professional experience, my coaching qualification and my natural compassion and empathy to offer a professional and client centred service.
One of my values is ‘making a difference’ and that’s why this work is so rewarding, to feel I’ve played a part in someone’s journey at a turning point in their career is why I do what I do.
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