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23 June 2024

HR Meets Creativity: Bridging Innovation with People Solutions

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Posted by: HRi

HR can be a tough gig at the best of times, navigating culture, ways of working and changing legal landscapes. Add to the mix a creative and innovative industry and it adds an unexpected challenge.

Both internal and external factors often bind the role of HR and it can have the reputation of not being a very innovative function. This is something I am passionate about changing, your people drive change and innovation and as HR, you have the perfect opportunity to help navigate this journey. It will give you a competitive edge and ensure you are in a position to help drive this transformative change as an HR professional.


Outside the box

I have spent my career working with Creatives, they could be designers or innovative founders. I have been lucky enough to work with some of the best fashion brands but also technology creators. They all have a similar drive and passion for what they do and they have generally got to a place of success by not following a rule book – they threw it out the window a long time ago.

So what should we consider in our role:

1. Encourage a Solution Mindset
These environments are often fast-paced so labouring over meetings is not something that will get a result. If there is an issue, come up with a solution and don’t be afraid to let them think the idea is theirs! An outcome is a result for all.

2. Know your business inside out
Just because you work in HR does not mean you don’t have a commercial edge, yes it is difficult as HR is not a money-generating function but be clear on your numbers and how you can impact this through people. Make sure your strategy clearly aligns with the business strategy so everyone is clear about where HR is adding value.

3. Leverage technology
HR is very process driven so make this as easy as possible. There are some great systems out there so work with what is right for your business. Map all your processes so you know who is responsible for what. Treat employees like customers by not expecting them to do anything that adds administration to their already full day just because it makes your life easier.

4. Ownership
HR are there to provide the tools but change comes from the top. If the leaders are not on board then things will not change. Ask open and honest questions about how they see their business both short and long term and what they will do in the process. HR can support but only so much.

5. Ways of working
Be clear and outline what is expected, from office to meetings, feedback and development. What is expedited of everyone and how can everyone contribute? This is not solely HR’s responsibility but you can be the catalyst.

Bridging the gap in innovation

We have an amazing opportunity to bridge the by nurturing an environment where creativity can thrive:

  • by fostering a culture of innovation
  • providing flexible work environment
  • investing in development
  • leveraging technology
  • prioritising diversity and inclusion
  • supporting mental health; and
  • developing empathetic leaders

HR can play a pivotal role in driving the success.


Author: Elma O’Reilly | Parallel London

Elma O'Reilly | Parallel London