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27 December 2022

2023 key health and wellbeing dates

  • HRi blog

Posted by: HRi

We have pulled together 2023 key health and wellbeing dates to support your planning!

As most will know, happy and healthy employees are more productive.  HR professionals need to take the lead on wellbeing and engrain it within their people strategies to help create a workplace that works.    Investing in employees’ wellbeing is instrumental in creating a committed and performance-driven workforce.   But, it can be overwhelming to keep track of all the wellbeing-related dates throughout the year and plan work and/or client events accordingly or integrate them as part of the strategy.

So, to support your planning and to save you some time we have pulled together the key dates for some of the health and wellbeing events and days that take place around the world in 2023.

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3 January | Festival of Sleep Day
Created to help you catch up on your Zs after a busy festive season. This day of rest means you can snuggle up and doze off.

16 January | Brew Monday
Occurring on the third Monday in January, thought to be “Blue Monday”, is being turned into Brew Monday to encourage everyone to reach out to people.

23-29 January | Cervical Cancer Prevention Week
This is a week to raise awareness of cervical cancer, helping people to reduce the risk of the disease.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout January

Dry January
A month of alcohol-free challenge and aims to raise awareness of the efforts of alcohol run by the charity, Alcohol Change UK.

Similar to Dry January, Veganuary encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January.



2 February | Time to Talk Day
Time to Talk Day encourages conversations with friends, families, communities and workplaces about mental health to help break the silence and stigma.

4 February | World Cancer Day
World Cancer Day is led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by encouraging individuals to take action.

6-12 February | Tinnitus Awareness Week
A week to raise awareness and educate people about tinnitus, its symptoms and how it can affect a person’s day-to-day life.

13 February | International Epilepsy Day
International Epilepsy Day, a joint initiative created by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), is a global event celebrated annually on the 2nd Monday of February, to promote awareness on epilepsy right around the world.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout February

National Heart Month
A British Heart Foundation event to bring awareness of heart and circulatory disease.

Random Act of Kindness
The day celebrates and encourages random acts of kindness, originating in New Zealand.



3 March | World Hearing Day
Aims to raise awareness around deafness and hearing problems across the globe.

8 March | International Women’s Day
A worldwide event to celebrate women and their achievements, as well as a call to action for gender equality.

13-19 March | MS Awareness Week
A week to raise awareness and shine a spotlight on the uncertainty of living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

13-19 March | Neurodiversity Celebration Week
A week to raise awareness and shine a spotlight on neurodiversity and celebrate the positives of being neurodiverse.

20 March | International Day of Happiness
Aims to make people around the world realise the importance of happiness in their lives.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout March

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Aims to raise awareness and shine a spotlight on ovarian cancer educating the signs and symptoms of it and how women can get help.


7 April | World Health Day
Organised by the World Health Organisation since 1950, it is a day celebrated annually and each year the day shines a light on a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world.

11 April | World Parkinson’s Day
World Parkinson’s Day takes place on 11 April every year to raise awareness of Parkinson’s.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout April

National Pet Month
A campaign to celebrate pet ownership and its benefits.

Stress Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992 to raise awareness of the causes and cures and to help reduce stress levels.

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
A month to raise awareness, know the signs and reduce embarrassment about testicular cancer.

IBS Awareness Month
An international initiative to draw the public’s attention to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).


11-17 May | ME Awareness Week
ME Awareness Week highlights this chronic illness and how people are living with it. ME Awareness Day is 12 May.

15-21 May | Mental Health Awareness Week
A week shining the spotlight on mental health. The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week in 2023 is Anxiety.

31 May | World Meditation Day
National Meditation Day is a call for the world to take time to engage in this millennial practice and clear our minds.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout May

National Walking Month
Arranged by walking charity, Living Streets, National Walking Month encourages people to get outside and add movement to their everyday routine.

Action on Stroke Month
Action on Stroke Month also known as ‘Make May Purple’, the aim is to increase awareness around stroke and stroke prevention while raising funds for research into this condition.

Skin Cancer Awareness Month
Raises awareness of the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and how to prevent skin cancer.



5-11 June | National Growing for Wellbeing Week
A week of celebration of the magic that growing your own produce can do for your wellbeing, both physically and mentally.

8-15 June | Bike Week
An initiative to showcase cycling and getting people out on two wheels.

12-16 June | Loneliness Awareness Week
Organised by the Marmalade Trust, Loneliness Awareness Week is all about creating supportive communities by having conversations with family, friends or colleagues about loneliness.

12-18 June | Men’s Health Week
Men’s Health Week aims to highlight and tackle the health issues suffered by males.



3-9 July | Alcohol Awareness Week
This week encourages people to take a look at their drinking habits and to make a change.

7 July | World Chocolate Day
An annual celebration to appreciate all things chocolate.

28 July | World Hepatitis Day
The day raises awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis.

30 July | World Friendship Day
An annual event, this day promotes and celebrates the idea that friendship between peoples, counties, cultures and individuals can inspire peace and build bridges between communities.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout July

Sarcoma Awareness Month
Sarcoma Awareness month aims to increase awareness around one of the least understood forms of cancer.

Talk to Us Month
An event led by Samaritans that encourages communities to become better listeners during July.



1-7 August | World Breastfeeding Week
Held in the first seven days of August, this week promotes and support breastfeeding across different levels of society highlighting the benefits.

4 August | Cycle to Work Day
Arranged by walking charity, Living Streets, National Walking Month encourages people to get outside and add movement to their everyday routine.

7-13 August | National Allotments Week
Organised by the National Allotment Society, the event promotes the role allotment play in helping people to live a healthier lifestyle.



4-13 September | Migraine Awareness Week
An annual campaign to draw attention to migraine, educate the public and reduce stigma.

4-10 September | Know your Numbers Week
The UK’s biggest blood pressure and testing event.

13 September | World Sepsis Day
The event aims to provide global leadership to reduce the global burden of sepsis.

18-24 | September National Eye Health Week
An event to promote good eye health and improve the nation’s eyesight.

18-24 September | International Week of Happiness at Work
Encourages workplaces to cultivate a culture of positivity.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout September

Urology Awareness Month
This month aims to highlight urological diseases in the kidney, bladder, prostate and male reproductive system.

World Alzheimer’s Month
World Alzheimer’s Month is a global opportunity to raise awareness around, educate, encourage support of and demystify dementia.



2-6 October | National Work Life Week
An initiative to encourage both employers and employees to focus on work life balance.

2-8 October | Dyslexia Awareness Week
An annual event to educate further understanding and improve awareness of dyslexia.

3-7 October | Back Care Awareness Week
This week raises awareness of the problems back pain can cause, the prevention of back pain and the treatments available.

10 October | World Mental Health
The day aims to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout October


Breast Cancer Awareness Month
A global event where people show their support for those affected by the disease.

World Menopause Month
A call to raise awareness of the impact menopause can have on women’s everyday life.

National Cholesterol Month
National Cholesterol Month aims to highlight the health implications of high cholesterol levels.



30 October – 3 November | International Stress Awareness Week
An initiative to highlight the importance of identifying and managing stress.

19 November | International Men’s Day
International Men’s Day celebrates the successes of men across the globe.

TBC | Sugar Awareness Week
A national Sugar Awareness Week to help raise awareness of the damaging effect of too much sugar in our diet.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout November

Movember raises awareness around men’s health issues and involves the growing of moustaches throughout the month.

Veg Pledge
An initiative that involves people going vegetarian for November to raise money for cancer.



1 December | World AIDS Day
Founded in 1988, World Aids Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV.

3 December | International Day of Persons with Disabilities
A UN-sanctioned event that celebrates those with disabilities.

TBC | National Grief Awareness Week
An initiative to normalise grief and get people talking.


Health and Wellbeing initiatives throughout December

December involves ditching the razor and growing a beard for December to raise money for bowel cancer.


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